CPDPP’s Strategic Plan
To evaluate and improve its strategies for fighting the progression of Huanglongbing in California while providing a roadmap for the future, the Citrus Pest & Disease Prevention Program Committee created a strategic plan in 2018 with five key priorities to guide its focus, which include:
- Quickly detect and eradicate diseased trees by improving the urban survey and sampling processes, continuing quick mandatory tree removal of infected trees, and collaborating with the scientific community on early detection efforts.
- Control movement of psyllids around the state and enforce regulations by increasing enforcement staff with emphasis in HLB quarantine areas and implementing a regional Asian citrus psyllid quarantine with performance standards.
- Suppress psyllid populations by promoting grower participation in area-wide treatment programs, removing uncared for host plants, continuing to use biocontrol and continually assessing urban treatment protocol.
- Improve data technology, analysis and sharing, and explore new solutions for digitization of data, including Pesticide Usage Reports.
- Use outreach and collaboration to encourage homeowner and industry participation in program efforts and foster local governments’ support for program activities.
A statewide Action Plan was also created to identify varying scenarios for ACP and HLB in California and necessary actions to sustain and protect California’s commercial citrus production.