Training for H-2A Workers and Field Crew: Prevent ACP in Your Orchards

Inland Empire/Desert

The Citrus Pest & Disease Prevention Program (CPDPP) is offering packinghouses the opportunity to host a free, Spanish-language training workshop for H-2A temporary agricultural workers and field crew staff about how to prevent Huanglongbing (HLB) from threatening the California citrus industry’s livelihood and infecting commercial orchards. We must all do our part if we’re going to protect California citrus from this disease – and field crews are on the front line.

The hands-on training session will inform front-line leaders about what they can do to reduce the risk of spreading the Asian citrus psyllid (ACP) and HLB, and ultimately protect local orchards like yours from the disease.

During the workshop, participants will:

  • Learn about the threat of HLB to the California citrus industry.
  • Become familiar with best practices for field crews to prevent ACP from spreading.
  • Practice using effective communication techniques to help their crews and others understand these best practices and why they are important.

This free two-hour training session can serve as a valuable addition to your existing pre-season H-2A meetings. If you are interested but believe your packinghouse would not be a suitable location for the workshop, please contact CPDPP and an alternate location for you will be identified at no cost.

For questions, please contact Natalie DeAngelo at 619-795-0808 or via email at

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