All citrus growers and affiliates are invited and encouraged to attend one of the upcoming citrus pest management field day events in Southern California, hosted by the University of California (UC), at the Citrus State Park in Riverside County on Aug. 4 or at the Rancho Guejito Vineyard in San Pasqual, San Diego County on Aug. 11.
These free events do require registration to attend. Registration for the Aug. 4 Riverside County field day can be found here and registration for the Aug. 11 San Diego County field day can be found here.
Riverside Citrus Pest Management Field Day Agenda
San Diego Citrus Pest Management Field Day Agenda
Each field day will include presentations from prominent experts from the UC on several citrus pest management topics, updates from the local County Ag Commissioner’s office, regulatory updates presented by the Citrus Pest and Disease Prevention Division and more. In addition, each field day will include an immersive scouting workshop to assist the industry on how to best inspect for and identify the Asian citrus psyllid (ACP) on citrus plant material (hand lenses will be provided).
For growers, pest control advisors and other industry affiliates who may be located in a non-ACP infested area of the state, these field days can provide an opportunity to learn proper scouting techniques first-hand. For industry members who are based in Southern California, each field day will allow for a refreshed learning opportunity on ACP scouting and provide updated information on the latest regulatory and research impacts surrounding Huanglongbing and the ACP.
These events are free of charge and food and drinks will be provided and three hours of DPR CEUs have been requested. For more information, including discussion topics and speaker profiles, please visit our Calendar Events page.