Industry Members Encouraged to Increase Vigilance Following Recent ACP Detections
Following recent Asian citrus psyllid (ACP) detections in the Central Valley over the last few weeks, growers, packers, haulers and all citrus industry members are encouraged to be extra vigilant in their ACP mitigation steps and adherence to regulatory practices.
Recently, multiple ACP were detected on traps at a packinghouse in the Woodlake/Lemon Cove area of Tulare County. Live adults or nymphs were found and collected at two more adjacent properties, including an abandoned parcel with citrus host plants. CDFA is working closely with the packinghouse to ensure regulatory compliance. Treatment of host plants on residential properties within 400 meters of the detection will be conducted by CDFA once all necessary notifications, emergency proclamations and public meetings have been held. Commercial citrus operations within 800 meters of the detections will be asked to conduct treatments as well.
Additionally, one ACP was recently detected on a trap at a juice plant in Visalia, and upon completion of the visual delimitation survey of the find site and adjacent properties, there were no additional finds.
In Kern County, three ACP trap detections have been identified in the last week. One in the city, and two in rural residential locations in Southwest Bakersfield. These are the first ACP detections found in Kern County since November 2021. CDFA teams have already begun delimitation surveys and treatments will be conducted on residential properties with host plants within a 50-meter area around the detections once proper notifications, emergency proclamations and public meetings have been held. There are no commercial operations for several miles around the Kern County detections.
These detections are a resounding reminder to continue to follow ACP mitigation best practices and regulatory requirements to efficiently suppress ACP populations and prevent the spread of Huanglongbing to the Central Valley.
If you suspect ACP or Huanglongbing in your orchard, please notify the California Department of Food and Agriculture Pest Hotline at 1-800-491-1899. For questions, contact Kern County Grower Liaison Judy Zaninovich at, Northern Tulare County Grower Liaison Teri Blaser at or Southern Tulare County Grower Liaison Jessica Leslie at