The University of Florida (UF), University of California, Riverside (UCR), and The Organic Center have partnered with several citrus growers and industry members to conduct a national review of how Huanglongbing is impacting organic growers and other industry members across the country. The organizations are looking for organic citrus growers, nurseries, packers, PCA and others who are willing to provide their input on this matter and help formulate this future research.
The coalition will be using the information gathered to develop a large-scale holistic research project proposal targeted toward protecting organic citrus growers from Huanglongbing, slowing the spread of the pest and disease, and reducing damage to currently infected groves throughout Florida.
If you are interested in providing input for this forthcoming research, please click here to complete the full survey.
All the information you provide will be kept confidential, and your name/organization will not be linked to the answers you give.
Researchers are requesting that survey responses be submitted by October 20. If you have any questions or would like to receive updates about the project, please email Dr. Jessica Shade at: or visit The Organic Center’s website.