HLB Detections in Corona Expand Quarantine in Portions Of Riverside, Orange And San Bernardino Counties


The California Department of Food and Agriculture has declared a quarantine following the detection of Huanglongbing (HLB) in multiple residential citrus trees in Corona (Riverside County). This is the first time HLB has been detected in Corona.

The 107-square mile quarantine area will link up with the east side of the existing quarantine in Los Angeles, Riverside, Orange and San Bernardino counties, creating a contiguous 1,127-square-mile area. The new portion is bordered on the north by Chino Airport, on the south by Black Star Canyon, and on the east by Interstate 15.

The quarantine prohibits the movement of all citrus nursery stock or plant parts out of the quarantine area. Provisions exist to allow the movement of commercially cleaned and packed citrus fruit. If you are a grower within the new quarantine expansion area, please contact CDFA’s emergency quarantine response program at 916-654-0312 for information on these provisions.

HLB quarantine maps are available online at: https://www.cdfa.ca.gov/plant/hlb/regulation.html.

CDFA staff have scheduled removal of the infected trees and are in the midst of a treatment program for citrus trees to eliminate Asian citrus psyllid infestations within 400 meters of the find site. By taking this action, a critical reservoir of the disease and its vectors will be removed, which is essential to protect the surrounding citrus from this deadly disease.

If you are a citrus grower in Riverside County and have questions about this detection, please contact your grower liaison Alan Washburn at alan@washburnandsons.com.

If you are a citrus grower in San Bernardino County and have questions about this detection, please contact your grower liaison Sandra Zwaal at szwaal2@gmail.com.

If you are a citrus grower in Orange County and have questions about this detection, please contact your grower liaison Bob Atkins at bobatkinsagwm@gmail.com.

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